Welcome to the paperless dressage scoring (FVDPDS). Below we will be giving you an overview of how the system works.
The first requirement to using paperless dressage scoring is signing up and getting user accounts for the Fox Village Cloud Server (FVDCS). Because of the extensive multi-user, networking requirements to use FVDPDS we will only be supporting it's use on the FVDCS. The use of FVDCS requires a full time internet connection, as well as VPN software for added security.
More information on FVDCS is here: FVD Cloud Instruction Manual
The benefits to using the FVDCS include the ability to use multiple hardware devices, including Macs, iPads, etc. basically any device with a Remote Desktop Client connected to the internet will allow multi-users to share the same show data files simultaneously.
For example you may have a wired connection in the show office but needs to use a hotspot out in the ring. Just logging in on those devices puts your shared resources on the cloud server. We have seen great success renting hotspots from SkyRoam (www.skyroam.com) for around $9/day.
In order to maintain flexibilty and affordability we have segregated the licenses and fees for each one. So while you may sign up for the FVDCS, you don't have to use FVDPDS for every show. You can decide what combination of services and how often you use them.
1. After getting setup and licensed to use FVDCS and purchasing a FVDPDS, the first thing you will do is register that show for FVDPDS by checking the appropriate check box.
2. In the Scoring Menu checking the "Paperless" check box will turn on the ability to add comments to each mark.
3. Each Judge is assigned a PIN code that is required to open the scoring form.
4. Both a Judge PIN and an E-scribe Mode PIN add to the security of judging in the judges booth:
5. The scoring input form adds the descriptions and the remarks, as well as the judges "further remarks". (Note, before starting scoring at the show be sure to use the Prep Display utility in Show Preferences to get the database ready for multi-user access).
6. At the end of each class is where you place it, review it, and then batch upload the paperless tests. At this time each competitor will get an email directing them to their online test. A paperless test manager dashboard is created to let you manage the tests that have been uploaded. This is also creating a new copy of the test results, basically a backup of what is in your database and saving it to a secondary database for the online display. If something were to happen to your show database, these tests will be saved here.
7. Here's a screen shot of the email and what the tests look like sent to the competitor:
8. You will have a full dashboard in which from here you can re-email the individual tests to the rider or re-email all the tests for this entry for the entire show to the rider. You can also view the individual tests for this entry, go back to the entry list or go back to the class view. You will notice these pages work in a round robin fashion (Class, Class List, Entry List, Entry).